I approached the school as it laughed at me. I mean it didn't
actually laugh at me and shout out, "Ah ha! You have to wear
those socks to school? Who dresses you, your Grammy?" No, it didn't do that... thank the Lord. I mean, metaphorically it was cackling at me. It was laughing at me and teasing me and treating me like I didn't have feelings. I knew that's what the school was made up of: mean girls who like to treat different people like they're not people at all.
So I looked at the tall building and in my mind, I told it to keep quiet. And it did. I was more confident than I was a few weeks ago when I was vulnerable to everything. All the gossip about me didn't bother me now and the eyes on me, well I just got used to that. Nothing was going to break me down today, nothing.
I headed on to first period, which was English class. I noticed that surprisingly most of the stares on me sort of wore off. They didn't seem to care about me anymore. The worst stares I got were from my old friends. I wish I could still be with them. They were all I had in my social life. But now all I really have are my two brothers and Victoria. Well, and my dad too, but he isn't physically "here."
I hesitantly took a step into the English classroom and found my seat.
Everyone else was either talking or opening their books probably because they had nothing else to do. I just sat there. The young teacher, who was a guy, came walking into the room and took the class attendance. During that time, I scanned the room over all the girls' heads until I found my eyes set on Lori. Yeah, she was in my first period. She surprisingly wasn't looking at me.
Instead she had her nose in a book. I wanted to take a seat in the empty chair beside her but I knew she'd make a big scene about it. Because that's just who she was: the drama queen. Melanie was the follower that liked to think that she was good at soccer, when in reality, she was horrible. She was the "following bench warmer." That's the name I gave her. And Nicolette... well Nicolette used to be my best friend. She loved to shop and loved to have friends. She was like a social goddess and fashion phenom. I missed my friends more than anything.

"Amelia," the teacher spoke to me. I blinked my eyes and came back to reality. I glanced around and saw everyone with their textbooks open. The teacher eyed me to get my book open also. So I fumbled around and then finally had my book open to right page. We were currently reading a story in the textbook about a boy who committed suicide because he had been teased at school about him being gay. Ha, what a coincidence. The story sure made conversations in the class.
"Why did he commit suicide again?" some girl asked after we were finished with the story.
"Because of people picking on him and teasing him," the teacher responded.
"But why? Why would you want to kill yourself because you were being teased? It's stupid," the girl said. She obviously didn't get it. And she's probably never felt the evil wrath of people before. Of course she'd think it was stupid, she's just a stupid girl.
"Well some people don't like being teased, so they think they don't think they belong in the world anymore, so they kill themselves," the teacher said. That sort of made sense, but then it didn't.
"Are the people who kill themselves like, mental or something? And that's why they think they shouldn't belong in the world anymore, so they kill themselves?" another girl in the class asked. Rage built up inside of me. These people didn't understand it; they didn't understand it at all. I burst to my feet.
"Do you want to know why they feel like killing themselves?!" I spoke out. Everyone looked at me, clueless. "It's because imbeciles like you people make them feel that way. Have you ever felt what it was like to be teased and manipulated? Have you ever felt what it was like to be in
their shoes? No, none of you have. Because you heartless bitches are the manipulators and bullies."
"Amelia," the teacher spoke assertively to me. "Go to the principal's office, NOW." I grabbed my things and powered out of the room filled with fury. I knew what I was doing. I was doing the right thing. It was just everyone else in the damn school that should really have been sent to the principal's office. What they do isn't right. It isn't right at all.
I moved my feet down the hallway to the office and then walked in. The woman at the main desk was on the phone so I walked in farther to the principal's office. The door was closed, so I knocked then slowly stepped in. The principal sat there, sorting through papers and once I walked in, she looked up at me.
"Take a seat Amelia," she said in a serious tone. I put my books down on the floor and took a seat into one of the chairs. After I sat down, the principal clasped her hands together on the top of her papers.
"So, can you explain to me why you shouted out in class?" she asked.
"I was trying to explain something," I said flatly.
"Like what?" she asked.
"Like why bullying is a problem in this school," I said.
The principal's face turned into instant disgust. "Amelia, don't you understand that I run a very exclusive girl academy here? It's very difficult to manage, but it's possible. Do you think my biggest worries are on who the bullies in this school are and who aren't?"
"They should be," I mumbled under my breath.
"Do you want to run this school Amelia? Because you sure are acting like you're all stuff here. Amelia, it's very selfish to be like that."
"Oh, you think
I'm the selfish one here? Who is the one sitting at some lame desk, not caring one bit about what happens outside of this room, but instead only caring about how much income she makes by doing it? Give me the job. I dare you to give me the job because I know that I can do it better than you," I spoke rudely.
"I don't like your tone, Amelia. Do you want me to expel you for being aggressive with the principal?"
"You can't do that," I told her.
"Watch me."
The principal turned to her computer and began to type. I stood up and walked around the desk to see what she was doing on the computer. I saw my profile pop up on the computer and then she made changes.
"Fuck you," I said standing behind the principal. "Fuck all the people in this damn school. You people are all fake and t***s. I'm glad you expelled me. Because now I can escape this hell-hole." I stomped back around the desk and picked up my books off the floor.
I was expelled from school, and I actually felt some sense of pride in myself. I could do better things now without the school pressuring me to keep quiet. No one was going to stop me now... no one.