"Mom! Calm down! We can easily find another school that I can go to!" I yelled back at her.
"YOUR FATHER AND I WANTED YOU TO GO TO THAT SCHOOL! WE WANTED YOU TO GET INTO YALE OR HARVARD! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!!" she screamed at me some more. Along with finding out about me getting expelled, she found out that I knew about my dad's death. But that wasn't the biggest of her problems, obviously.
She simmered down her anger, "Because your father and I knew that you'd grow up and do great things. And we just wanted to help you get there. And plus, your brother Chase is planning to go to a trade school, and Ty has earned plenty of scholarships to pay off for college. We knew they were going to be fine. Your father loved you very much and always put you first, no matter what. You were his little girl. That's why you were put into Charleston Girl Academy."
"I never knew that," I confessed.
"Well, you were his favorite and always his favorite child. Don't forget it," Mom said. I nodded my head.
"So, um, where am I going to school now?" I asked her.
"Ma, I don't need to go to private school. I could just go to the public school here in town. My friend Victoria goes there." I had decided that I could try public school. It at least had to be a bit better than that snobby academy I went to. Maybe public school wasn't going to be as bad as I always thought it was.
"You wouldn't mind at all?"
"I guess not."
"You wouldn't mind all the boys there?"
"Mom..." I gave her a glare.
"Sorry. I'll call that school and have you be there by Monday, okay?"
So on the morning of my first day at public school my mom asks frantically, "Do you have everything?"
"Yes, Ma. Calm down," I told her. We were standing by the front door and I was really ready to leave, but Mom kept holding me back with all of her concerning questions and comments. Geesh, she can be too overprotective at times..jpg)
"Hurry up Amelia, or we're going to be late for school," Chase said behind me as he stepped out the front door. I know! I shouted in my mind. I needed to get away from my mother.
"Okay, well you have nice day, okay? Try not to stick out too much and then again, don't be an outsider. Make sure to sit with nice people at lunch, not by the trash cans of course, and make sure-"
"Mom!" I shouted out, tired of all her talking. It was like she was giving me a list of guidelines of what to do and what not to do for public school. "I've been to school before, I'll be okay." Or so I hoped I was going to be okay.She puffed out a breath of air, "Okay, I was just making sure."
"Come on Amelia or we're going to leave without you!" I heard Ty shout from outside.
"I'll see you later," I told Mom quickly as I rushed my body out that front door, and out to Chase's car.
When Chase parked at the school, the school building didn't look big at all. It was actually a really tiny high school. I stepped out of the car along with my two brothers. "Get ready to feel what high school is really like," Chase said to me. I began to feel nervous. I was going to stick out in this school a lot. People weren't going to like me, I could sense it already.
I took hesitant steps across the school parking lot to the building..jpg)
Once in the school building, I saw people crowded in the halls. People stood in groups talking, others rushed to get to class early, and some stood by their lockers. It all looked like chaos to me. I glanced around me to see if my brothers were still standing beside me, but they already had walked away. Chase had his arm around his girlfriend and was talking to his other friends. And Ty... well, I don't know where Ty went. I dug through my pants pocket and pulled out my crinkled class schedule. At the top right corner of it I had wrote my locker number and locker combination. I read it then fought through the crowd to find my locker. It was locker number 321, and it was located at the back of the school away from all my classes.
Once I got there, the hallway was absolutely empty. All that was back in this hallway were storage closets for mops and stuff like that. I opened my locker and threw all the stuff I had into it. Once I shut my locker door, immediately the school bell rang for the school to start and for people to get to classes. So I hustled myself back down the empty hallway to my homeroom class.
Once the bell rang for first period to end, I sprinted out of my chemistry classroom like there was no tomorrow. I took myself to second period, where I happened to find Victoria there too.
When I walked into the painting class, she stepped right in front of me.
"Oh, sorry... oh, wait, hi!" she said finally recognizing that it was me who she ran into.
"Hi," I smiled. .jpg)
She looked a lot better. A whole lot better from the time I had been over at her house. She had died her hair back to her normal bright blonde color and had it in a really cute and girly hairstyle. Her clothes that she was wearing were bright and colorful again, and she looked like she recently went to the tanning salon. And she seemed happy. She changed a lot in a short period of time, once again.
"I just want to tell you, that when you came over to my house a few days ago, you made me feel better," she told me secretly."I'm glad I made you feel that way," I said. She blushed.
After a bit, the teacher told us to go to any painting station. And then she began to teach us how to paint. And it was fun. Maybe this high school wasn't going to be so bad after all.
I had learned a few lessons in these past few months... 
Lesson 1: Be yourself. You're never going to be truly happy if you don't let the true you show through.

Lesson 2: Don't let a few comments hurt you. Keep strong and tell someone about the bullying if it doesn't stop.

Lesson 3: Love your family. No matter if they are blood-related or not.

Lesson 4: If you're harming yourself, or thinking about suicide, tell someone how you feel and get therapy. If you save your life, you could be saving another. Think about it.

Lesson 5: If your friends can't accept the truth, forget about them. They're not worth it if they can't support you.

Lesson 6: Never drink alcohol if you're underage. Not even for a little fun. Be the mature one out of the group. Bad things can happen when you're drunk. It could cost some lives, including yours.

Lesson 7: Never stop loving that one person that has changed your whole life around for the better.

Lesson 8: Stand up for what you believe in, even if no one agrees with you. Let your voice be heard.
And finally, Lesson 9: Never hide yourself "inside the closet." Don't hide behind those closet doors. Tell the world that you're gay, because that's who you are. Just take it from me: life always gets better...

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