In third period when I had study hall in the library, Nicolette came up to me after she checked out a book. "Why were you talking to Victoria Gladstone in the hallway before this period?" she asked, taking a seat across the table from me. Victoria wasn't in my study hall, but she was in my second period.
"Since when?" Nicolette questioned.
"Why does it matter to you?" I said, sort of loud while looking up at Nicolette.
"Ssh!" The librarian shushed. I innocently moved my eyes back to my book.
"Why not?" I looked up at her again, accidently talking loud... again.
"Ssh!!" the librarian shushed once more. I felt like giving her the middle finger and then begin talking as loud as I wanted, but I held the urge.
"Well, she's an obvious slut. And by the way she acts, she acts like she's bi," Nicolette spit those words out harshly.

People can like whoever they want and mate with whomever they want. And two women can always have a baby. It's all possible with science.
"Well, I doubt that Victoria is bisexual. She wouldn't be allowed in the school if she was. Would she?" I asked Nicolette. I actually really wanted to know, just for my sake. I mean I'm not even bi, but I'm gay. Which those two things are about the same.
"Oh, well I guess not. But I still don't like her," she turned up her nose. I sighed. I was never going to get her to change her mind about Victoria. So I just picked up my history book once again, stuck my nose into it, and kept my mouth shut.

"Victoria said you two would work better together. And your original lab partner agreed to the trade, so you're now with Victoria," she told me. She hobbled back to her desk. I rotated myself and strode to the lab table where Victoria was at.

I placed my book down on the table. "Hey partner!" Victoria smiled.
"Hey," I spoke, taking a seat on the barstool..jpg)
"Aren't you psyched that I was able to get us to be lab partners?" she asked, enthused.
I made a slight smile, "Yeah, its great." We've only talked to each other for a day, and now she acts like we're best friends. Which I didn't mind it at all, I just thought it was all coming on a little too quick. I mean, what if she was bi? What if she was just trying to get close to me because she liked me? All these jumbled and messed up thoughts kept bouncing around in my mind. .jpg)
"All right everyone, please quiet down so I can take attendance," Mrs. Snozz's voice cracked. Then she began to call off names.
After calling off about seven names, Mrs. Snozz called out my name, "Amelia Gates.""Here," I announced, raising my right hand. We were required to make a sound and make a movement, so that way the teacher would know that we were there. If we didn't raise our right hand or forget to say "here" during attendance, then we would get scolded. Apparently a lot of girls had been counted absent before because they either spoke too quiet or the teacher didn't see them when they only raised their hand. So now we have to do both. It's crazy how many freaking standards and rules this school has.
"Victoria Gladstone," Mrs. Snozz verbalized. Her mouth sounded so dry. I felt like I needed a glass of water just listening to her talk.
"Here," Victoria said, raising her right arm slightly in the air. Mrs. Snozz scribbled on her clipboard. She looked up again and called out the next name.
"Do you want to come to my party on Friday night?" she asked quietly.
"I'd have to ask my mom," I said.
"Okay, well it's going to be at my house. Do you know where I live?" I shook my head. She ripped a piece of paper out of her pink notebook and began to write down a few things. I glanced up at Mrs. Snozz, and she was still taking attendance. Victoria handed me the piece of paper. It had her address, home and cell phone numbers on it.