"Why not?" I whined.
"It's past your curfew and there aren't any adults at this party. You are not going to that party Amelia Grace Gates, and that's final." I hated when she called me by my full name. It's annoying.
I rolled my eyes and stomped off to my bedroom like an ornery child. I was going to Victoria Gladstone's party, whether my mom approved of it or not. She was not going to control my life forever.

I shoved my phone, key, and money into my pockets while I was standing in my dark bedroom. Then very quietly, I made my way over to the bedroom door.

Once I got it open, I stepped out, and then closed the door softly behind me. I took light steps through the dark kitchen until I ran into something hard but soft. I fell backwards onto the floor. Then in an instant, white flashed into my eyes. I placed my hand over my eyes to shield myself from the brightness. "What do you think you're doing Amelia?" I heard a deep, familiar voice say.


"Did Mom approve of this party?" he asked, crossing his arms across his chest. I bounced my eyes back and forth between Chase and Ty.
"Well... not really," I said, uncertain if Chase was going to scold me or not. He had a serious look on his face. Ty... well he was just looking at me.
"Well..." Chase made a long pause in his sentence, "Have fun!"

Once the taxi stopped in front of Victoria's house, I stepped out. All the lights were on in the huge house and you could hear music blasting from the inside. I wonder how many people are going to be in there. I mean, Victoria is sort of considered popular at school so she probably knows a whole lot of people, I thought.
I began to head up the sidewalk and once I went up the steps, I rang the doorbell. I could barely hear the chime echo inside the noisy house. After waiting a minute, the door finally opened. A guy was standing there. "Join the party! Woo!" he yelled in my face, lodging a wad of spit into my eye. Then he walked away, leaving the door wide open. I wiped the saliva from my eye then cautiously stepped inside the house. I shut the front door behind me. The house was gorgeous on the inside.

I walked in farther on the marble covered floors. Tons and tons of people that I didn't even recognize were in groups everywhere. Some were just talking, some were making out, and some other people looked like they were drinking alcohol. The music was loud and the voices were loud, and it was kind of hot and steamy too.
I stepped through the crowd in the living room and found my way to the couch.

I plopped myself on it. How was I supposed to find Victoria in this mess? I felt out of place sitting there alone on the sofa. I never went to a lot of parties because I always ended up being alone. But my loneliness didn't last for long. Some guy sat down beside me on the couch. Immediately I could smell a waft of beer coming off of him.
"Hey," he said.
"Uh, hi," I said uncomfortably, sort of scooting myself away from him.
"I'm really horny right now. Wanna get a room?" he placed his hand really high on my thigh. I reacted quickly and threw it off.
"No thanks."

I stood up quick and then sped-walked away from the couch, fighting through the crowd. I was not going to get it on with a guy at this party. I wasn't planning to get it on with anyone.

Once I got out of the living room, I accidently ran into someone. I tumbled backwards and fell on the floor. That was the second time I fell on the floor that night, and my butt probably looked all bubbly and purple.
I moved my eyes to see who I ran into. It was Victoria. She was sitting on the ground and was rubbing her head. Then once she saw me, she smiled.
"You came!" she shouted. The both of us got off of the floor.
"Yeah, I did," I grinned. She looked gorgeous. And then all of a sudden, she hugged me.

She smelled like flowers, just like she usually did. Once we parted, she grabbed the both of my arms.
"Oh my gosh! There is something you need to try!" she yelled enthusiastically.
"What is it?!" I shouted over the noise.
"Oh my gosh! There is something you need to try!" she yelled enthusiastically.
"What is it?!" I shouted over the noise.

"Just come with me!" she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me farther into the house.

She let go of my hand once we were in the kitchen. Then she went over to the wine rack that was in the kitchen and grabbed the last wine bottle. She popped the lid off over the sink and then got out two glasses. She poured the wine into the both of them. "Try this," she said, handing me one of the glasses full of red wine.

It was way bigger than a usual shot glass or an actual wine glass in this case. I watched Victoria as she chugged the liquid down in her glass. I was still uncertain if I should drink mine. She looked at me when she was done with her glass of wine. "Come on, drink up! It's awesome! It tastes fabulous," she smiled. Well, it was just one drink. What could possibly go wrong? I raised the glass to my lips and felt the liquid run into my mouth and trickle down my throat. The taste is what impacted me right away. I still kept drinking though. After you got over the taste when you first drank it, it wasn't half bad. I took the glass away from my mouth once there wasn't a drop left in it. I licked my lips.
"It's pretty good!" I told Victoria.
"I know, right?!" she smiled. "Let's get this party on! Woo!" She shot her arms in the air. Then she grabbed mine and pulled me out of the kitchen.

More into the party, Victoria and I just danced and drank more alcohol. It was great. Things were crazy and the colors were fanatic, I loved it. I had never felt more attracted to Victoria. And then when we were dancing she got really close to me and whispered in my ear.
"Wanna go up to my room?" she giggled in my ear. I smiled and nodded my head. She then grabbed my hand and pulled me through the house. I was laughing the whole time. We raced up the stairs and I was still laughing and tripping over my own two feet. Victoria was laughing also. I must have been doing something right. We got into her bedroom and Victoria jumped on her bed.
"Oh my gosh, I LOVE to party!" she screamed excitedly, breathing hard. I went over to her bed and began to laugh.
"Ssh-sh-sh-sh, you're... you're going to wake up the neighbors." The both of us laughed. Then I hiccupped. Then we both laughed some more. It was a never ending series of laughter. My stomach began to hurt because I was laughing so hard. Then Victoria got off the bed and stepped really close to me.
"I have to tell you something," she smiled and twirled a piece of my hair around her finger.
"What is it?" I hiccupped. She giggled and so did I. I could feel her breathe on me. She smelled like alcohol.
"I..." she paused and giggled, "No, it's like really funny. You're going to think it's crazy." I giggled also, but I also really wanted to hear what she was going to say. "Okay, okay. Let's get down to beez-ness!" She laughed. Then she stopped. "Okay, what I was going to say was...Amelia, I, I like you." My heart stopped. Did she just say what I just thought she said?
"What?" I slightly smiled.
She ran her fingers through my hair and got closer to my face, "I'm attracted to you, Amelia. I've been so turned on by you ever since I laid my eyes on you." She was about an inch away from my face. She looked down at my lips and then back up at my eyes. Then suddenly, she leaned in and kissed me.

Fireworks shot off in my body. Was this really happening? But wait, what was I doing? Then I thought I heard someone by the bedroom doorway. I heard the sound of a camera go off.
"The lesbians are hitting it off!" I heard a guy yell. I unlocked lips with Victoria and looked towards the doorway.

A guy was standing there with his cell phone in his hand. How long has he been standing there? Ack, that didn't matter. He had just taken a picture of Victoria and me kissing! Crap, what did I just do?! "I have to go," I told Victoria, trying to get her hands off my waist.
"Don't go," she said, trying to lean in for another kiss. I put my hand over her mouth.
Once I freed myself from Victoria, I dashed out of her bedroom and passed the guy standing at the doorway. "Oh, come on! You have to do more!" the guy shouted after me. I ran to the steps, ignoring his comment.

I stopped at the top of the stairs. Were they moving? They seemed to be moving. I tried my best to quickly step down them but ended up tripping on the fourth step from the bottom. I tumbled down the couple of stairs and my body landed on the hard marble floors at the bottom. I heard people say "ouch," and "is she all right?" I got up even though pain was striking everywhere in my body and ignored everyone. Then I sprinted towards the front door where I quickly exited the house.

I stepped out into the dark night and ended up stumbling down the steps in front of Victoria's house too, about twisting my ankle. After checking to see if my ankle was okay, I strode down the sidewalk and onto the street. My feet hit the pavement at a slow pace and I felt exhausted.

But then all of a sudden when I looked to my left, white lights blinded my eyes and I was suddenly down on the street.
I should have never gone to that party...